I can’t believe it’s that time of year again.
NaNoWriMo is something I look forward to all year long. If they didn’t have two Camp sessions before then, I don’t know what I would do.
Yet each sessions always seems to sneak up on me. I think about it, prepare what I’m going to write, then when prep time actually starts and the actual challenge arrives, I panic.
Camp NaNoWriMo is coming.
It’s hard to believe it’s only three weeks away. Do you know what you’re going to write?
I’ve had this idea in my head for a long time and decided to save it for Camp. Now that it’s almost time to write it, I’m excited to finally get started on the project but I’m panicking. I want it to come out as well as I believe it to be.
You all know I’m a planner. I’ve been doing slow research here and there. I’m also going to start outlining it soon. I planned on starting the outline last week, but… Well, you know some other happy news got in the way.
I plugged in everything on my Camper Profile. I updated my profile, my cabin settings, and even added my novel already.
I’m doing something a little different this year. If you go onto my profile, you’ll see the genre of my novel is “Fanfiction.” It’s actually a fairy-tale retelling.
But there will be more on that in a later post.
My goal is the standard 50,000 words. I’ll be trying to get at least 2,000 words a day (or one chapter), which is what I usually try to do. That would be over 50,000, but we’ll see how long the novel actually is.
I can’t wait for Camp to start! I’m so excited!
Are you participating in the April session of Camp? What genre are you writing in? What’s your word goal?
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