I’ve decided to do something a little different on this blog. Hopefully this will become a regular thing every couple of months, but we’ll see how it goes.
I was trying to come up with a good enough reason to try this out and then decided – why not do it for my birthday? I’ll be a quarter of a century old on September 1 and have decided to throw myself a virtual “birthday party” on Monday, September 3.
Then something really cool happened on the blog. I hit 5,000 followers and it’s actually a decent amount over 5,000 at this point. Wow! So, this is in celebration for reaching 5,000 followers as well as thank you to all you lovely people who actually read this blog and care about what I have to say.
This blog party is first and foremost a way to give back to you guys and to gain more of a community. For you guys to share your blogs and engage with other bloggers. Find like-minded people and make new friends.
(Virtual friends. No one wants to actually socialize. We’re on the Internet for a reason.)
Please note, this is the first time I’m throwing a blog or link party. I’m kind of making this up as I go along and am just keeping my fingers crossed that it’s successful and it allows people to engage in a respectful and nice manner.
I know most people post blog parties and just go for it. I’m posting an “invitation” a week early because I want to get the word out there and… also, I’m still trying to figure out some rules and regulations. (It’ll still be a fun party, I promise.)
Check out the invitation below, send it to any blogger friends you know, and save the date!
In the meantime, if you have an questions, ask away in the comments. If you have any ideas or tips for me, let me know in the comments below. If you liked this post, please share it around.
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