Title: Anything Could Happen
Author: Will Walton
Genre: Young adult gay & lesbian fiction
How I got the book: I bought it
Summary (from Amazon):
When you’re in love with the wrong person for the right reasons, anything could happen.
Tretch lives in a very small town where everybody’s in everybody else’s business. Which makes it hard for him to be in love with his straight best friend. For his part, Matt is completely oblivious to the way Tretch feels – and Tretch can’t tell whether that makes it better or worse.
The problem with living a lie is that the lie can slowly become your life. For Tretch, the problem isn’t just with Matt. His family has no idea who he really is and what he’s really thinking. The girl at the local bookstore has no clue how off-base her crush on him is. And the guy at school who’s a thorn in Tretch’s side doesn’t realize how close to the truth he’s hitting.
Tretch has spent a lot of time dancing alone in his room, but now he’s got to step outside his comfort zone and into the wider world. Because like love, a true self can rarely be contained.
My Review (may contain spoilers!):
This book has everything a 15-year-old needs to deal with in life; family, friends, death, life, relationships. For Tretch, things are a little more complicated.
Tretch is gay and he’s the only one who knows it. His best friend, Matt, doesn’t even know. But there’s a good reason for that; Tretch is in love with Matt.
It’s always nervewracking when you have a crush on someone and don’t know how to tell them how you feel. For Tretch, things are complicated because Matt is straight.
The timeframe in this book was winter break, just a couple of weeks. I can see it becoming much longer and turn into a coming of age story; it’s already on its way to that, anyway.
While Tretch came out to a few people throughout the book, it wasn’t a huge reveal. Everyone supported him of course, but no one had a huge reaction; good or bad. I felt as though there could have been more.
The book quick at 281 pages, but I think there could have been more. And yet, everything was wrapped up neatly so I can’t complain.
Anything Could Happen by Will Walton gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“Because, right now, dancing in my room by myself, knowing I’ve got a whole life folding out ahead of me, with a million things to learn from it, I can feel only one thing.” –Will Walton, Anything Could Happen
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