In my opinion, flash fiction is considered a short story. It’s a full tale with fleshed out characters and resolved plot. It’s just super short.
Short stories aren’t easy to write. Neither are novels. Yet, people (myself included on some occasions) say that short stories are “easier” to write than novels because it’s shorter.
Flash fiction, then, must be a piece of cake.
What is flash fiction?
Flash fiction is exactly what it sounds like. It’s a piece of fiction that takes a flash to read.
No, really, it’s very short short story. The typical length of flash fiction stories can be anywhere between 300 words and 1,500 words.
Of course, some people write six-word stories, 100-word drabbles, and so on. As long as it’s pretty short, it’s considered flash fiction.
How do you write flash fiction?
As concise as possible. Write only what matters to the story. Don’t add any filler content, just keep advancing that plot and developing those characters.
Use unique and vivid language to get your point across. Be sure to have a clear ending in mind and figure out how you’re going to get there in 1,000 words or 700 words or 300 words.
Where should you start writing flash fiction?
Explore the flash fiction world first. Read flash fiction stories or even poetry to get a feel for a language. Of course, you’re ultimately writing in your own voice and style, but reading examples doesn’t hurt.
Then, pick up your pen and just write. If you aim for 500 words, just write and see how many you end up with. Then you cut it down just like you would edit your novel.
Writing prompts help come up with ideas and a timer can do wonders if you want to start and finish something as quickly as possible. Can you write 500 words in 10 minutes? Set a timer. If you write more or less, you can add and cut out words after.
Why write flash fiction?
Writing flash fiction can really reel in your writing skills. It tones your writing and teaches you to cut out the filler stuff. Keep what’s only important to the plot and character development.
That, and it’s a fun challenge.
Do you typically write flash fiction? Do you read it often? Let me know in the comments below and we’ll chat!
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