Via Goodreads Title: A Spark of Justice
Author: J.D. Hawkins
Genre: Mystery
How I got the book: I got a free digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review
Summary (from Goodreads):
A fatal accident at the circus sparks an insurance investigation that leads John Nieves, a former New York cop, to a list of murder suspects. It seems that The Great Rollo, beloved of millions, had enemies… both at the circus and among his own family. All that is surreal and magical about the circus brings out Nieves’ deepest fears, blinding him to the very real danger that is closer at hand. A bizarre series of revelations and coincidences keep Nieves’ suspicions of the circus people high, even after the actual evidence suggests that the incident really was only an unfortunate accident. The furtive actions of Rollo’s wife and brother, the beneficiaries of his insurance, lead Nieves into even dirtier family secrets. Apparent attempts on his life from all quarters threaten Nieves, but he refuses to drop the case until the whole truth of who killed The Great Rollo is revealed.
My Review:
We follow John, an insurance man, as he investigates a death in the circus to write a proper insurance claim. Even though he’s not a cop anymore, those instincts still remain and he wonders if there’s more to the death than meets the eye.
This was an interesting read having a mystery based in a circus. It certainly gets points for having a different type of setting.
The writing was easy to follow and quick to read. It was written in third person which I think was the best choice for this story. I liked following John throughout the story and each of the circus characters were interesting and unique.
I was a little disappointed in the ending as I felt it was a bit anti-clamatic. This is categorized as a cozy mystery and cozy it is, but I felt more or something different could have been done.
A Spark of Justice by J.D. Hawkins gets 4 out of 5 stars.
Favorite Quote:
“Practice makes perfect. Never give up what you really want to be.” –J.D. Hawkins, A Spark of Justice
About the Author:
J.D. Hawkins is a native of Los Angeles, but has also lived in Hawaii and the Midwest States. He spent part of his youth traveling with a carnival and has lived through many real life adventures that include hitchhiking cross country and living through one of L.A.’s more famous earthquakes.He began writing stories in high school and has turned to writing Mystery and Thriller novels, intentionally devising more original themes than the usual police procedurals and standard murder mysteries.
He began writing stories in high school and has turned to writing Mystery and Thriller novels, intentionally devising more original themes than the usual police procedurals and standard murder mysteries.
He once seriously considered becoming a lion tamer and fantasized owning a zoo as a child. He still gives regular thought to becoming involved with a Big Cat sanctuary and this love of wild felines may come out in the plots of some of his stories.
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