I feel like I wrote Goodbye, 2013! just yesterday. I blinked and now the end of 2014 is here and 2015 is right around the corner. Time sure does fly.
Last year, I decided to go through all my blog posts for 2013 and highlight them in one post in an attempt to recap and say goodbye to 2013. I am going to do that again to say goodbye to 2014.
Let’s see what happened in 2014…
-I went over my New Year’s resolutions
-I continued to write Detective Florence and completed it -I came up with the Short Story Sunday feature on my blog
-I started writing Inspiration Station
-I had a schedule of writing 5,000 words a day and changed it to writing 5,000 words Monday-Thursday, editing Friday-Saturday, and relaxing on Sunday
-I discovered the Reading Bingo and challenged myself to it
-It was Kris’s birthday
-I decided to write only 1,000 words a day when school started
-I completed two Reading Bingo squares by reading Coming Clean and The Hobbit
-I continued to post my Short Story Sunday throughout the month
-I planned on editing more than writing to help prepare for April’s Camp NaNoWriMo
-I completed another Reading Bingo square by reading I, Robot
-I was nominated for the Liebster Award
-Camp NaNoWriMo started and I wrote Diary of A Killer -I discovered the website Noisli -I was nominated for the Beautiful Blogger Award and the Howler Award -Easter happened plus I was busy with work and school… I got behind on Camp NaNoWriMo
-I got 1,000 followers on Spilled Ink
-I lost Camp NaNoWriMo -I discussed what “Success” is -I joined Critique Circle
-It was Spilled Ink’s two-year anniversary
–Edited Detective Florence in preparation of Camp NaNo
–Camp NaNo: wrote Detective Florence 2
—Trying to balance life, writing, work, school, etc. –I accidentally saved over my Camp NaNo novel (150 pages and 44k words) with my Short Story Sunday with five days left of Camp NaNo
–I wrote 50k in five days to beat Camp NaNo
–I beat Camp NaNo in, more or less, five days –I updated my Reading Bingo with many novels –I discussed how my English degree is basically in nothing –I got a new job
–Lucky Seven Challenge with Detective Florence 2
–I currently had 15 WIPs… yikes.
–I came up with a writing schedule for the rest of the year –I went to Disney and discovered the “Writer’s Stop” store and met Peter Pan –Reality checked back in after vacation with school starting, work, Sunday school, etc.
–I wanted to enter some contests, but missed the deadlines
–I turned 21 –School started with a few creative writing classes –Cookie the Beagle joined the family –I tried to come up with a routine to balance homework, writing, etc. –I discuss why I became a teacher, go to school, became a teacher/director or the Sunday school, write, etc.
–I updated everything in my life with my sister’s wedding coming up as well as November NaNo.
–I decided to edit Take Over and plan to write Far Away for NaNo
–I started editing Take Over which I noticed I’ve grown as a writer in the past year or so –I watched “Authors Anonymous” and the screenwriter contacted me. It also inspired a new potential story idea –I watched a NaNo video on Blurb –I decided to give myself a reward of one dollar for every 1,000 words I write for NaNo
–I changed my mind again and decided to write short stories for NaNo
–I bought a new fish named Nano –NaNoWriMo started and I wrote Short Story Collection and came up with new ideas for novels –I did my best in balancing homework with NaNo –I planned on finishing NaNo by Thanksgiving and did it
–I came up with a new novel idea called Fire and Ice
–I won NaNo –Thanksgiving happened and I made a list of all I’m thankful for –I compared NaNo 2013 to this year’s NaNo
–I edited while on vacation and discussed how that’s the best time to write
–I came up with a plan for my Detective Florence series
–I finished typing the second draft of Detective Florence
–I wrapped up yet another semester of my Bachelor’s degree and made it out alive and with good grades
–I hand edited the first draft of Detective Florence 2
–I changed the title of my blog, bought the domain name from WordPress, and made some slight layout changes
So much has happened in one year. Some good, some bad, but I think it was mostly good. I’m happy to be where I am right now. I have a wonderful job, I’m going to school, and I’m on my way with my writing. There’s nothing for me to complain about.
Here’s to another great year in 2015!
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