Once Again Bored Out Of My Mind…
Today is Tuesday which means that I am stuck at school until 2:30. Only today is different because I get to leave at 2:15 to go to the doctors! Boo. Anyway, it’s almost eight in the morning and I thought to myself, “I’m stuck at school all day…why not get all my homework done so that I can go home and get some writing done on account I don’t have work.” It was the perfect plan… *dramatic* But it turns out that it’s not going to happen that way.
I have my teaching class and my health class today, so those were the only books I brought. I thought I had homework in those two classes to do, but I don’t. So I looked on my online class…I did all the homework for that class yesterday while sitting in school. The only written homework I have is math and science and I left those at home…dilemma.
So I guess I’m going to have to wait to do that homework for when I get home. So I figured I might as well get some writing done now. So it’s the same plan, just flipped. Easy enough. Except that the internet is in front of me and I don’t like the internet. Notice that I’m updating my blog now instead of after writing saying, “Hey, I was productive today!” And maybe I will be productive today, but at this rate…no. I am way too tired to do anything whether it be writing or homework. And it’s cold.
Then there’s the problem that I don’t know what to write. Should I continue on with A Job to Get Done or that short story thing? This is what we also call a dilemma. Of course I have to leave for my first class in less than an hour, anyway…but then I have a two-hour break, so maybe I can figure out what I want to do now and then work on it during my break.
I’ll post again tomorrow or something telling you my exciting adventures of being productive…or not.