Writing a book review isn’t as easy as it sounds. When writing a review you’re stating your opinion on how you liked or disliked something.
When it comes to books, you have to remember that you’re commenting on someone’s hard work, someone’s precious baby.
Honesty is the most important thing when it comes to writing a book review. But with that honesty has to come a fair tone of voice.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but everyone interprets things differently. Something that you like may be something that someone else doesn’t like and vice versa.
When it comes to writing a review, mention things you enjoyed about the book.
If there’s anything you didn’t particularly care for in the book, say so. But…
- Explain why you didn’t like it nicely (like I said, everyone has different opinions)
- Suggest something that may have worked better
Not only are reviews a great way to thank an author, but it’s also a great way for authors to get some feedback. A lot of reviewers can agree upon a particular thing and the author may learn from it for their next book.
Still, there are some reviewers that don’t bother leaving a review if it’s a book that they really didn’t like for the sake of the author not getting any “bad reviews.”
All in all, book reviews are important but it’s all in the way they’re conveyed.
How do you typically convey your books reviews? Have you ever left a “bad review” before? Let me know in the comments below!
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