…But I Have Nothing Intelligent To Say…
So, in my last post I said I was going to try to get back into the swing of updating this thing. Well, here I am, keeping my word. Except, I have nothing to talk about. Would you like to know why I have nothing to talk about? Of course you don’t, but I’m going to tell you anyway: I have not gotten anything done this summer.
School starts a week from today and work starts a week from tomorrow. My schedule will consist of this:
Monday: School 7-11:45 ; Work 2-6 Tuesday: School 7-2:30 ; (Possibly) Babysit 3-5/6 Wednesday: School 7-11:45 ; Work 2-6 Thursday: School 7-10:15 ; Work 1:30-6 Friday: School 7-12:30 ; Work 1:30-6
*I am taking five classes this semester, so chances are the free time that I will have will be homework time.
There you have it. I officially am going to have no life starting next week. And as you can see from my lack of life starting next week…all of the things that I had planned on doing this summer will be delayed. I may be able to chip away at these things here and there, but I’m not going to have nearly as much time to work at these things due to school and work.
What did I not get to do this summer? Let’s see…I was supposed to get teacher certified for my work, but I needed my official transcripts from my college. I e-mailed and called most of the summer and each person I spoke to told me to speak to an entirely different person. Hopefully, when I go there to get my textbooks for this upcoming semester, I can get a copy, but I won’t be certified in time for when I go back to school.
Another thing I did not get to do…become CPR and first aid certified for work. I was supposed to do that this summer, too, but there were no places that were doing it. My college does it, but they didn’t have the summer schedule up yet. I just found it today. However, that is only CPR, not first aid. Growl.
Thing number three: my MTEL testing. I was supposed to take that tomorrow. However, I only have a student ID and I did not know if that counted. So I called and called and called…left messages and never heard back or had a very frustrating conversation with a bunch of recordings that did not end well. So, I had to reschedule it. Otherwise, if I went there and I couldn’t take the test, I would have to make another appointment and pay all over again. The reschedule is already paid for because it’s coming from the test I was supposed to take tomorrow. Now, this one isn’t much of a big deal. My advisor told me to get it done over the summer so that when I transfer next year, it will increase my chances of getting into the college that I want. However, I am in the transfer program so the college I want to go to next will automatically accept me because of that. So, I’m going to take it in January so I can spend my first half of Winter break studying for it…yipee. I’m not complaining about post-poning it, but…it would have been kind of nice to get it over and done with.
Yet another thing: get my driver’s license. I had a plan that I was going to get it at the end of August. Well, Saturday is the beginning of September, so we all saw how that worked out. My new goal is to get it by the end of September…I’m going to be 19-years-old and with my busy schedule this semester, I cannot rely on everyone to drive me around all over the map. So, we’ll see how that goes.
Last thing I did not do this summer: when was the last time that I wrote? I think it was for the June Camp NaNoWriMo. That was a little over two months ago…sucks, doesn’t it? I was hoping to get something finished this summer, but that didn’t really work out that much. I guess I’ll just have to work at my novels bit by bit during this semester and see where that gets me. I wasn’t able to write on the way to or from Disney because I’m an idiot and put my notebook in my big bag, which was buried in the trunk…I didn’t write at all while I was in Disney because…well, I was in Disney, for God’s sake. Who has time to sit in the hotel room when you can be going out and swimming in the pool, seeing Tinkerbell and Winnie the Pooh, and riding on the Harry Potter ride at Universal?
Has anybody rode on the Harry Potter ride? I did it because I love Harry Potter. Never. Again. I can at least say that I got the experience and I braved it for the time being…but I will never ride on that ride again. They take your picture in the middle of the ride and I look like I’m sleeping because I was too focused on not getting sick. It looks quite funny.
Anyway, so I am slowly working my way back into a routine. When I start writing regularly again I will post more about that than random crap like I am now. At the very latest, I will post again next week. That is something that I really want to do…post at least once a week.
I am off to go set a couple of goals for myself…that way, when I post again I just might have done something productive.