Hey everyone!
So remember a little while ago I told you guys that Kris got a Writer’s Digest magazine subscription for Easter? It had a list of the best 101 websites for writers. I mentioned that I was going to go through those websites bit by bit and pick out the ones I truly like and share them with you guys. I haven’t made a dent in looking at the websites thoroughly yet, but one kept catching my eye.
It’s called Critique Circle. I’m sure many of you have heard of it before. I kept wanting to go on there, but never got around to it with everything else going on in my life right now. Then I was reading other blogs and came across a post by Skye Hegyes. In her post Seven Step Editing she mentions Critique Circle.
I’m really glad I came across her post because she posted her editing process. I actually wrote it down so that I could give it a try and see if it works for me as well. One of the steps in her process is to post a few chapters on Critique Circle.
I’ll be honest, I had forgotten about the site for a little bit. So the other day I finally went on there and made an account. It’s a little intimidating at first because there is just so much the site has to offer. I didn’t know where to start. However, after exploring a little bit I can pretty much figure out the site.
All my writer friends on here should go check it out if they do not already have an account on there. You submit stories to be critiqued by others and you critique stories by other members in return–that’s the basic gist of it. There are also forums, all sorts of tools to use for your writing, a bookshelf, and so much more. I won’t do it justice by describing it to you; you’re going to have to go check it out for yourselves.
My username on there is Rachel3. I don’t have the premium membership, so I can’t be buddies with anyone, but at least you can look me up and if you have an account on there, I can look you up as well.
I hope you all give it a shot. I’m sure it’ll prove to be very useful once I get the hang of it.