The last week of Camp NaNoWriMo has come and gone. Did you beat your word goal?
Daily Word Count:
Day 22: 5,018 Day 23: 5,196 Day 24: 0 Day 25: 0 Day 26: 0 Day 27: 0
Day 28: 0
Week four total: 10,214
Overall total: 50,251
Technically, there are still two days left of Camp. So, there’s still sometime to boost your word count a little further.
I aimed to finish by the 24 of April because I got my wisdom teeth that day. Fortunately, I was able to stay focused and write the last 10k words of my story in two days.
My daily word count is zero after that due to recovery. I’ve been lying on the couch watching TV and playing video games for the past four days straight. I’m just starting to eat regular food again… kind of.
Normally, I would be trying to reach higher than 50k, but I think I’m all done. My novel wasn’t going where I wanted it to go anyway.
How’s your novel? Did you win, yet?
- Camp NaNo: Week One Recap
- April 7, 2015
- In “Creative Writing”
- Camp NaNo: Week Two Recap
- April 14, 2015
- In “Creative Writing”
- Goodbye 2014!
- December 31, 2014
- In “Creative Writing”