For the month of October (and November), Inspiration Station will be taken over by NaNoWriMo!
The site officially relaunched on October 5 and there has been so much activity in the past couple of days; it’s been great!
So here is a list of things you can do on NaNo’s website while you wait for November 1 to make its way to us.
1. Create your novel — this is a given. Make it official that you will be participating this year so you can show off your ideas!
2. Talk in the forums — there’s no better way to make friends than by starting new threads or joining in on existing ones. There is a place for everything where you can talk about what you like, dislike, writing-related, reading-related, NaNo, Camp NaNo, etc. It’s so you can find people you have things in common with.
3. Writing Buddies — speaking of making friends, add them to your writing buddy list. You can message each other to cheer each other on, talk about your novels (same genre or not), and if you get really close you might even just have someone who is willing to beta-read for you at the end of it all.
4. Find your region — NaNo is all over the world. Find the region you’re closest to and join it. You’ll meet other writers who are around you and be able to participate in write-ins or, at the very least, virtual write-ins.
5. Donate and shop around — NaNo takes donations and they also have a merch line. You can buy notebooks, mugs, pens or pencils, flash drives, shirts, sweatshirts, among other items. See if there’s anything you like and buy something for yourself to mark your participation. I personally have my eye on the mug. (As if I can fit any more in my kitchen cabinet…)
Feel free to look me up and add me as a Writing Buddy on NaNo! My username is: Fiery_Sapphire.