How To Write Diverse Characters and Why You Should Include Them

We’re all human, big or small, white or black. We all occupy this earth, we’re all in this together. So, what would make your novel any different? A diverse character is a character just like any other. Don’t write them differently because it’s something new. Don’t view them as special because you’ve added them into the story. Just include them. Why should you include...

How and When Did You Begin Writing?

The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram. Hosted by Ari Meghlen and myself, The Merry Writer Podcast is a fun, friendly show about all things writing and bookish. Join us as we ask all the “write” questions. Check out episode 56 this week, all about our writing journeys! Episode 056: How and when did you begin writing? In this...

The Serenity Stone Murder by Marianne Jones

Via Goodreads Title: The Serenity Stone Murder Author: Marianne Jones Genre: Mystery How I got the book: I got a free digital copy from the author in exchange for an honest review Summary (from Goodreads): The peaceful city of Thunder Bay is shocked when one of its most prominent businessmen is murdered with a stone stolen from a nearby church garden. Visiting the city to attend a retreat, friends...

Reminder: Guest Posts Open

It’s been a while since I’ve mentioned anything about guest posts on my blog. The rest of 2016 booked up a few months before the end of the year so I let that weight slide off my shoulders for a bit. Of course, it’s a new year with new dates and I’ll admit that I’ve been slacking on the guest post front. So, this...

When Should You Conduct Research For Your Novel?

People always say to write what you know. And that’s great, but then your novel would be pretty limited, wouldn’t it? I find writing to be a great opportunity to write about something you don’t know. Find something that interests you that you never pursued and look into it more. For example, when I was younger, before I decided to be a teacher and...

Short Story Sunday #27

The title lies. I didn’t have a short story written for today. I’m not going to be home today to write a story, either. But… I did find a notebook with haikus in it that I wrote a long time ago. So here’s three haikus picked out from that lot that I thought were the most interesting. Enjoy. The beginning starts Middle is most important...

Time To Write: One

Talk about anything as long as there’s only one. Or talk about the number itself. What if only one person shows up to a party? What if there is only one cookie left? Is having just one a good thing or a bad thing? Happy writing! Twitter | Tumblr | Pinterest | GoodReads | Double Jump

Have You Ever Read A Book? [Guest Post]

Today’s guest post is brought to you by Aayush. Thanks, Aayush! If you have, you will probably be able to relate to what I’m going to be talking about here. There are books that lure you into them and refuse to let go. They drag you into their world, show you the wonders that are there, the characters that you begin to love, the...


I have done the following tasks, but not limited to these tasks: Find book reviewers and coordinate reviews, author interviews, and guest posts for the author on the reviewers’ blogs, Goodreads pages, and Amazon pages Create social media graphics, banners, etc. Coordinated and scheduled virtual blog tours Below is a gallery of the books and authors I’ve worked with. Content Writing I write in...


Look At The Date… The numbers go in a row. Isn’t that cool? Anyway, VERY quick update today (as l am doing this from my phone…) l wrote 2,033 words for NaNo this morning. I am keeping the groove! Go me! I hope everyone else has fun quick updates about their own word count. I have about 37k words for my whole novel. Almost...

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I’ve been writing since I was 10-years-old because I wanted to copy my older sister. Originally starting with Ninja Turtle fan fiction, writing stuck with me throughout the years as I honed my skills in the craft and let my imagination run wild. I like to write in a few different genres, though I mostly write mystery as well as short stories and/or flash fiction. In 2022 I won the “Qutex Young Author for the year” award. I also wrote many articles for different sites. One example can be found here.


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