A Monster Calls by Patrick Ness

Title: A Monster Calls Author: Patrick Ness Genre: Fiction, family issues How I got the book: I bought it Summary (from Amazon): At seven minutes past midnight, thirteen-year-old Conor wakes to find a monster outside his bedroom window. But it isn’t the monster Conor’s been expecting– he’s been expecting the one from his nightmare, the nightmare he’s had nearly every night since his mother started her treatments. The monster...

People Watching

I went on a mini-vacation with my sister and parents this past weekend. It was a great time and we had a lot of fun. We went to the aquarium (which is my favorite), walked around the seaport, got ice cream, went shopping, etc. On the way home, we pass by a casino that my parents go to every so often. My sister and...

4 Easy Outlining Methods: Find What Works Best For You

Outlining is hard. It doesn’t matter who you are or what you’re working on, outlining your novel is a tricky thing. Sure, it may help you in the long run, but it still requires time and thinking. There are many different ways to outline a novel and you need to choose what works best with your line of thinking. Or, you can outline different...

Short Story Sunday 122

           Aubrey lay in bed that night staring at the dark ceiling unable to sleep. She didn’t know what to make of anything Tom and Steve explained to her that night at dinner. To be honest, she didn’t want to believe any of it. Since they moved so often, she assumed they were just trying to come up with any...

Goodbye, 2016!

It’s so weird to think that another year has come and gone. I accomplished a lot this past year, yet it’s all kind of a blur at the same time. I started taking author requests for book reviews, I started having guests on my blog, and I started a newsletter! Let’s recap what happened this year… January -I edited George Florence -I edited Take Over -Most popular...

The Famous Cliche And Other Writing Things

Guests appear on my blog twice a month. If you would like to know more about this, please visit my Guest Bloggers Wanted page. Today’s post is brought to you by Ruby. Thanks, Ruby! Writing is hard, harder for some more then others, but even for them it’s hard. You can have all these problems, writers block for instance, I’m absolutely positive that this...

Day Five

Sad Day…. This is Hunter. He seems to think that he and I are in a relationship with one another. He constantly wants to cuddle, he follows me into the shower, and he waits up for me when I’m out and don’t get home until midnight. He sits in the window sill and waits for me. When he sees me pull into the driveway...

The Merry Writer Podcast: Episode 018 Now Live!


The Merry Writer Podcast The Merry Writer started as a hashtag game on Twitter and Instagram. Hosted by Ari Meghlen and myself, The Merry Writer Podcast is a fun, friendly show about all things writing and bookish. Join us as we ask all the “write” questions. Episode 018: Do you use writing prompts? In this week’s episode, Ari and I discuss our thoughts on...

The Anatomy of Prose by Sacha Black [Book Review]


This post contains affiliate links which means I earn a small commission should you buy from these links at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support. I bought an eBook copy of the book through Amazon. The decision to review and all opinions are my own. Seeing as this a nonfiction, writing craft book, my review format is a little different....

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I’ve been writing since I was 10-years-old because I wanted to copy my older sister. Originally starting with Ninja Turtle fan fiction, writing stuck with me throughout the years as I honed my skills in the craft and let my imagination run wild. I like to write in a few different genres, though I mostly write mystery as well as short stories and/or flash fiction. In 2022 I won the “Qutex Young Author for the year” award. I also wrote many articles for different sites. One example can be found here.


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