When it comes to writing during a NaNoWriMo month, it’s sometimes hard to stay motivated or even to just stay on task when you are motivated. Now that we’re halfway through the month, some of us may be losing steam and get stuck and don’t know what to do next.
I know a lot of people who turn off their wi-fi and disconnect from the Internet while they write so that they don’t get distracted as they try to get their daily word count in.
If this is how you work, then that’s fine. Do what you gotta do.
Still, as much as the Camp NaNo website can be distracting, it can also be a great help.
The Cabins
Use your own cabin as a source to help you out. If you’re stuck on something in your novel, ask your cabinmates. Chances are, they may be having the same problem or have gone through it before.
Ask for advice, talk about the good things and bad things about your novel. Also, check your stats and see how you overall cabin is doing. A little competition never hurt anyone.
The Writing Resources Page
The Writing Resources page is great. There’s a list of events that you can participate in during the month as well as the “camp counselors” which are authors who give advice and pep talks throughout the month. There are also various articles about the writing process such as planning, character, dialogue, editing, and so much more.
The Camp NaNoWriMo Forums
Or you can go on the main NaNo website and check out the forums. Any will do, but there is a section for specific Camp Forums. It’s small, but you can meet many new people outside of your cabin and talk about just about anything.
Check Your Messages
Most often than not, there will most likely be a message in your inbox. It’s usually a “care package” that has a pep talk or good advice inside.
In Conclusion
I’ll admit that I don’t use the website as much as I probably should. I don’t really explore it and use the goodies that are given to me during the month.
But, when I do, I can fully admit that it helps. Whether you’re stuck or not, need motivation or not, it helps and it’s fun.
What’s your favorite part about the Camp website? Let me know in the comments below!
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