Being Productive…
My sister and I went to Barnes and Noble today! We had Starbucks and we had a lot of fun! We distracted each other a lot, but we did get some writing done. She made her writing quota for the day and I made mine! By the way, I’m sure I’ve mentioned it before, but she has a blog, too. Follow her here on Sugar Wolf.
Guess how many words I have? 20,002! So I wrote a total of 5,445 words today! Remember I said that I wanted to beat my word count from the first day of Camp NaNo? Well, I didn’t beat it…but I came close! I just needed a little less than 1,000 more words and I would have at least had the same amount. Oh, well. I worked hard today.
While we were at Barnes and Noble, my sister and I made a video. I plan on that being my first vlog, but I need to edit it a little bit. I think you guys will like it…it shows how my sister and I get nothing done. Yet, we still make our goals. I really don’t understand how that happens, but it does.
According to my stats on Camp NaNo, I need to write an even 1,200 words a day in order to finish on time. I’m estimated to finish on April 16. Of course, I want to keep writing at least 1,667 words a day just to keep up that pace. I’m hoping that I can have good months like this all the time with or without NaNo’s help.
I hope everyone else is doing just as well! 🙂
2013: 101,781/365,000 Words Written
2013: 1,749/18,250 Pages Read