Wow! We’re already a week into Camp NaNoWriMo! How did that happen?
I thought I would share weekly updates with you on my novel, The Lost Girl.
The Ups
So far I’ve been loving my characters. Grace seems well put together and while I’ve borrowed J.M. Barrie’s characters, I feel as though I’ve stayed true to their personalities as well as added my own twists to them.
The plot itself is moving along nicely. I think the novel may start off a bit slow in the beginning, but I can always figure that out when the whole draft is finished.
Description is something that I’ve always had trouble with, but I think I’ve been doing well with it so far. I think part of it is because it’s Neverland, a fantasy world. Whereas I can’t have my readers just picture their own houses in their heads.
The Downs
Honestly, I haven’t hit any bumps in the road (yet).
The plot is, as I said earlier, moving along nicely and I’ve been staying true to my outline. I’ve added a few things here and there, but the novel is going smoothly.
Favorite Quote
“How come you can leave Neverland and no one else can?” She wondered.
Peter chuckled. “I’m Peter Pan.”
Word Count
Day 1: 2,040 Day 2: 2,513 Day 3: 2,210 Day 4: 2,035 Day 5: 2,262 Day 6: 2,671
Total: 13,731