NaNoWriMo begins in less than two weeks. Everyone has been talking about novel prep all month long, myself included.
But when it comes to prepping for NaNo, it doesn’t have to be all about your novel. That sounds weird, I know. But there are plenty of other things to think about for the month of November.
Writing Space
Where are you going to spend the majority of your time writing? In your office? Your bedroom? Maybe sitting in your living room or porch? Maybe, depending on where you are in the world, you’ll lounge outside.
If you’re going to be sitting somewhere like your desk, make sure that it’s cleared off. Give yourself plenty of room for your laptop, a notebook, a few pens, your mug filled with your drink of choice, etc.
Clear your calendar or at least organize it. Plan our your social obligations, let everyone know you’ll be busy each day between this time and that time. You can get your writing time in and you can also continue to be social so people know you’re alive.
Stock up on your food supplies. Coffee or tea, chocolate, dinner, everything. You may or may not forget to go food shopping.
Wash any comfortable clothing you have now. Get that out of the way so you can kick back with your laptop and lounge in your pajamas while writing.
Blog Posts/Work/School
If you have any work to do now, get it done. Any school assignments that you know will be due during the month? Get it done.
Plan, write and schedule your blog posts for November as well. This will leave one less thing for you to do. Because, let’s face it… after writing your novel, you’re not going to want to look at words anymore much less the computer screen.
What else have you been doing to prep for NaNo? Let me know in the comments below and we’ll chat!
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